Thursday 20 January 2011

Links for case study

#respite4riven on Twitter

Lesson 20/1

Case study about how the Internet has affected one news story

Completing the questions for your surveys.


To collect your data and collate it. Bring to next lesson.

Feedback on long tail theory homework.

This homework was far too brief. It should have been a well research and referenced piece of work, taking you about an hour to complete. The idea behind your blogs is to create a resource that will help you with your revision and the posts so far will not do that. In future you must put the time and effort into your homeworks, or you will have to stay behind at lunch at after school so that I can supervise you doing so.

People who still have not linked to their blogs need to do so, another late homework will result in a detention.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Lesson 13th Jan - The long tail theory.

Read the long tail theory worksheet in the student resources section of our room on fronter.
Also explore this website

How does the long tail theory relate to the news?


Explain what the long tail theory is and how it relates to the news and post it to your blog. You may present this information in whatever form you wish, the more creative the better! Examples, just written in your blog, filmed, podcast, mind map etc. This should be posted by monday please. Anyone who is late this week will be in detention.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Web archive

Year 13 2001, Lesson 1 6/1/11

News in the Online Age


Lesson 1 6/1/11

Web 2.0 refers to webpages where the user can edit the content. This differs to the original static websites that simply displayed information. On the web today users are able to post comments, add reviews, photos and video.

Examples of websites that use web 2.0

Amazon - product reviews
You Tube - User created videos, then other users comment and rate
Social networking sites - Facebook etc
Google Docs - Applications via the web, sharing files, access from any computer
Wikipedia - Anyone can edit articles


There are many advantages of web 2.0 over static webpages. User reviews mean that potential buyers can see what others thought before buying. You tube provides a place for people to show their work to an audience, that was previously only available to film studios, as well as allowing family and friends to view home videos. Social networking sites allow people to keep in touch. Google Docs means that people can easily collaborate on work, as well as providing a free version of basic software packages. Wikipedia allows a variety of experts to share their knowledge on topics to create a comprehensive information bank.

Read the following article about wikipedia. Choose your own example of web 2.0. Describe it, explain it's history, why it is an example of web 2.0, who uses it and why