Tuesday 6 October 2009

Lesson 5 - 8/10/09

Comparing newspapers and the Internet.

Different types of news website, some attached to newspapers (Times, Telegraph etc), others to television (BBC, Sky) others just web (yahoo).
What advantages do news websites have?
Do the audiences differ between the newspaper and the online version?
Does the content differ? Why do you think this is?
Does the audience consume the news in a different way? (non-linear)

Complete the following tasks and write up your findings.

Find a specific article in the newspaper and online - how did you do this? How easy was it?
Find articles related to it
Discuss the articles with other people who are interested.
Research background information about the article
What implications does this have for the reliability of information?


Interview at least 5 people in detail about their news consumption. Try to choose a variety of people. Make sure that you choose people who do consume news, and a majority that use online news at least some of the time. Write up your findings. Hand in on Fronter by next wed evening please.

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